Data digitization services and document digitization services are two of the most important services sought after by business organizations across the world owing to the advantages it offers. While data digitization services involve the process of converting physical records such as text, video, images, and audio into digital formats, document digitization services refer to the processes involved in converting physical data into digital format, either manually or with the help of a software.

document digitization

What Is Backfile Scanning?

As we know, Backfile refers to any file that is archived or saved within your organization and backfile scanning is the process by which we replace documents with digital copies.

According to a study conducted by finances online, 86% of the employees reported having difficulty in searching for a document they need and on average, spend 18 minutes searching for such documents. In such a situation, backfile scanning is considered to be the go-to option for organizations. Let us now look at the process of backfile scanning.

Process of Backfile Scanning

  • Assess: The process of backfile scanning begins with an Applied Imaging WISE Associate analyzing the documents existing documents and understanding how each client would like to digitally retrieve them.
  • Assemble: This step involves packing the documents you wish to deliver to the outsourcing firm for availing document digitization services/ data digitization services to transport them to their physical workspace to make the necessary arrangements for document digitization/