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12 03, 2019

5 Best Practices for OCR Based Data Capture

2022-06-26T10:05:22+00:00By |Outsource to India|0 Comments

Optical character recognition (OCR) is one of the most effective methods used for automated data capture to convert data like text and images into digital data. As it totally eliminates manual data entry the chances of errors are almost nil. As per a Transparency Market Research (TMR) report, the global OCR market is expected to [...]

26 02, 2019

Top 9 Insurance Claims Processing Trends For 2019

2022-06-26T10:05:22+00:00By |Outsource to India|0 Comments

The insurance sector has embraced technology in all vistas of its operations including insurance claims to ensure better customer services and stand out in the competitive market. There has been a steep spike in the settlements and in the number of policyholders in recent past due to various risk factors like natural calamities, man-made conflicts [...]

20 02, 2019