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13 03, 2018

Financial Data Entry Outsourcing – Get More Value For Your Money

2022-06-26T10:05:25+00:00By |Outsource to India|0 Comments

The financial sector is the backbone of any nation’s infrastructure and in shaping the future of the economy. Banks and financial institutions try to bring out the best packages to woo the customers and to attract investors. In a highly competitive industry, any lackadaisical approach will get a quick rebuttal from the customers who look [...]

6 03, 2018

How Outsourcing of Data Capture Helps Businesses to Reduce Operational Cost

2022-06-26T10:05:25+00:00By |Outsource to India|0 Comments

Businesses deal with data of all possible types in their day to day operations. Piles of data in fragmented form cannot be effectively made use of. Data capture involves the process of collecting, sorting, interpreting and storing physical data in an easily accessible electronic format. Data capturing is a valuable tool in supermarkets where bar [...]

26 02, 2018

Outsourcing Image Data Entry To Spreadsheet- Enhance Your Business Presentations

2022-06-26T10:05:25+00:00By |Outsource to India|0 Comments

Businesses use spreadsheets to make reports and graphs as Excel sheets can exchange data with other applications and integrate graphics and images. Spreadsheets are easy to understand and reduce the risks of data redundancy. Image data entry to spreadsheet outsourcing involves entering the images and figures into an excel format by a team of highly [...]