Let’s be frank about it! Outsourcing is the latest buzz word among businesses of all sizes and scopes. Here are the top six reasons why companies outsource most of their non core business operations.
1. Cut down on cost of labor: Outsourcing can cut down the cost of labor by around 60% because the cost of labor in developed countries is exorbitantly high and to maintain a regular team, companies have to shell out a pretty penny. By outsourcing, companies can get the same task done at a lower cost by equally skilled professionals.
2. Quick turnaround time: The time zone difference between western countries and popular outsourcing destinations like India has made it possible to ensure the quickest turn- around time for businesses. The outsourced data entry tasks gets done by the time the companies start their next working day and they will have the data needed for their employees to carry out their core business operations. Thus companies can thus reduce the turnaround time by almost half than companies that do not outsource.
3. 24 x 7 services: Outsourcing will ensure that your customers are rest assured of round the clock customer care services. The outsourcing vendor will make sure that the routine customer care operations are carried out as usual even when the in house team are on leave or on holidays!
4. Optimization of productivity: Outsourcing will make sure that your highly trained in-house team can enhance their productivity and stay focused on the core business operations as they are relieved of all the non core business tasks that eat into their precious working time.
5. Access to the latest technology and skilled manpower: Outsourcing will ensure the luxury of having easy access to the state of the art facilities and skilled labor without having to invest in training and hiring.
6. Business development: Once you outsource you can build up your business and move up to a higher segment on the value added chain.
If your business is looking to reduce the operational costs and increase profitability, outsourcing could be the smartest option for you too. We at Sasta Outsourcing Services have a solid track record in being the outsourcing partners of companies all over the world. Call us to know more about our services.